Golden Retriever Puppy Genetics
What role does Genetics Play?
Golden Retriever Puppy – What role does gene7cs play?
Interested in understanding Golden Retriever gene7cs? Clay Moose and Howard Jaekle at PBG
Kennels have extensive experience and can offer valuable guidance on selecting Golden
Retriever puppies with the appropriate gene7c traits. Discover the amazing genetics and
physical traits of Golden Retrievers at PBG Kennels. PBG Kennels is a top pick for breeders and
dog enthusiasts because of their outstanding lineage. Get ready to dive into the scientific details
and uncover the secrets behind these remarkable Golden Retrievers.
Champion Gene7cs
You can expect champion gene7cs to be a key factor in our Golden Retriever breeding program
at PBG Kennel. We know it’s important to choose mates with great qualities to have top-notch babies.
Our Golden Retrievers are great
for hunting, compe7ng, or family pets. They are versatile and can
meet your needs. We have a deep understanding of the breed’s
history, temperament, and physical attributes, and are dedicated to
maintaining the integrity of the Golden Retriever breed. Our breeding
program focuses on producing healthy, well-tempered puppies that
embody the breed standard. We carefully select our breeding pairs
based on their health clearances, pedigree, conforma7on, and
trainability to ensure that we are breeding high-quality dogs.
Our goal is to produce Golden Retrievers that are not only beau7ful
but also possess the friendly, loyal, intelligent, and athletic qualities that
make them such beloved family companions. We prioritize the health and well-being of our
dogs, providing them with proper nutrition, veterinary care, and socializa7on producing happy
and well-adjusted dogs.
We are proud breeders who follow breed standards and promote responsible dog ownership.
We work closely with each puppy buyer to provide support and guidance. Our
dedication to the breed and our commitment to producing healthy, well-adjusted puppies sets
us apart as knowledgeable and reputable Golden Retriever breeders in North Carolina.
To achieve this, we carefully choose our breeding stock from reputable lines of Golden
Retrievers. We prioritize dogs with champion bloodlines, as they have proven their excellence in
conforma7on and performance. These winners have been through thorough assessments and
have stood out in different contests, showcasing their outstanding characteristics.
By including champion genetics in our breeding program, we aim to produce Golden
Retrievers excel in various fields, including hunting, agility, and obedience. Those same
genetic traits make them wonderful family pets. Whether you are looking for a hun7ng
companion, a skilled working dog, or a beloved family pet, our Golden Retrievers will be well-
suited for your needs.
The role of gene7cs is crucial in breeding Purebred Golden Retrievers, influencing aspects such
as health, behavior, intelligence, athle7cism, and prey drive. Matching suitable mates requires a
combination of science, skill, and experience. Our goal is to ensure you get a puppy in good
health, free of any genetic conditions or illnesses. This helps to promote the overall well-being
of our puppies and ensures that they have the best start in life and you have a companion you
enjoy for a lifetime…
At PBG Kennel, we are committed to producing Golden Retrievers of exceptional quality.
Looking for a red or specific type of Golden Retriever? Our breeding program strives to
fulfill your needs and desires. We are different from other golden retriever breeders in North
Carolina and the United States. We focus on championing genes, health, and temperament
in our dogs. Whether you are looking for a red Golden Retriever or a specific type of Golden
Retriever, our breeding program is designed to meet your expectations. Get in touch with us
today to learn more about our Golden Retrievers and how they might be the perfect
fit for you.
Understanding the gene7cs and having a history with your pedigree is crucial for breeders like
PBG Kennels. The understanding is imperative; in being able to produce healthy dogs that can
be enjoyed by golden loving families.
PBG Kennels has invested a lot of 7me and effort into studying and choosing dogs with ideal
genetics. PBG Kennels selec7vely pair dogs to lower the chances of Golden Retrievers inheri7ng
health issues like hip dysplasia and Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL) and other gene7c,
structural and health ailments. Hip dysplasia is a structural problem that hurts the hip joints and
makes it hard to move. NCL is a gene7c disorder that harms the nervous system. Breeders aim
to create puppies with fewer health problems by breeding dogs that have been tested and
found to be free of gene7c and structural health issues. This process requires thorough health
testing and gene7c screening to ensure that only the healthiest dogs are used for breeding,
ultimately improving the overall health and well-being of the Golden Retriever breed. By
focusing on gene7c diversity and health, PBG Kennels strives to produce puppies with the best
chance of living long, happy lives.